Opening up the Braemar
Our portfolio in South Australia includes our flagship 4.5 billion tonne Razorback Iron Ore Project located just 240 kilometres northeast of Adelaide in arid, low-intensity pastoral country. The Project benefits from close proximity to existing infrastructure including open-user rail (~45km), the renewables-weighted South Australian grid forecast to be 100% renewable by 2027 (~120km) and a number of Spencer Gulf ports (~200km). A significant portion of the Project's 110km strike zone presents substantial upside potential with opportunity to grow the resource.
The 1.55 billion tonne Muster Dam Iron Ore Project, offers exciting exploration and development potential.

The Muster Dam Iron Ore Project was awarded to Magnetite Mines following a competitive bid process administered by the South Australian Department of Energy and Mines (DEM). Located 110 kilometres northeast of the Razorback Iron Ore Project, the Muster Dam prospect has Inferred Mineral Resources of 1.55 billion tonnes (JORC 2012).
The award of the Muster Dam Iron Ore Project is an important exploration and development opportunity for given its potential for synergies with the Razorback Iron Ore Project. Furthermore, extensive past exploration work has uncovered additional prospects (Peaked Hill, Duffields and Surrender Dam) within the Muster Dam tenement.

Magnetite Mines’ flagship Razorback Iron Ore Project is a pre-development magnetite iron ore project capable of producing high-grade and Direct-Reduction grade (“DR-grade”) iron ore products required in low-carbon and zero-carbon steel production. The Project is 100% owned and operated by ASX-listed Magnetite Mines Limited (ASX: MGT). It has Probable Ore Reserves of 2 billion tonnes and a Mineral Resource Estimate of 3.2 billion tonnes (JORC 2012).
Comprised of the Razorback and Iron Peak deposits, the Project is located just 240 kilometres from Adelaide in close proximity to existing road, rail and port infrastructure. In light of the steel industry’s decarbonisation commitments, the Project holds significant strategic value as a potential upstream link in a globally competitive green steelmaking value chain originating in South Australia.