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Stockhead – Magnetite’s metallurgical drilling to guide Razorback processing

26 October 2021


Magnetite Mines has kicked off a drilling program aimed at collecting bulk samples for metallurgical testing to de-risk development of its Razorback iron ore project.

This program – an essential step in advancing the project – will test mineralisation contained in mining pit shells that represent early-year processing feed and includes near-surface oxidised mineralisation and deeper fresh rock mineralisation.

Magnetite Mines (ASX:MGT) notes that the drilling will initially target the Iron Peak deposit to provide up to 8,500kg of drill core material for detailed comminution, grinding, flotation and characterisation test work.

This testing will inform process design and engineering criteria for the processing plant and provide excellent coverage and delineation of early-year processing needs.

Taken together, it will provide further data to support optimisation of mining at the project, which could potentially improve returns and support project financing.

“Drilling at the Razorback Iron Ore Project represents an important next step towards realising the full potential of the processing flow sheet,” technical director Mark Eames said.

“The drilling has been designed to firstly test the metallurgical properties of the mineralisation spatially, and secondly, to improve resource geological understanding at the Iron Peak deposit.

“The Iron Peak deposit is a higher-grade, albeit lower-tonnage extension of the Razorback deposit and is currently included in the Mineral Resource estimate.

“However, further data density at this higher-grade deposit is required to fully realise its potential, with metallurgical and associated infill drilling helping to delineate this eastern extent of the deposit better.”

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