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Stockhead – SA is officially a renewable energy powerhouse… and the private sector is starting to cash in

5 October 2021

Sustainability, Press

South Australia’s green energy credentials are making it a favourable place for projects looking to lead the way towards a more sustainable future.

Around 60% of SA’s electricity needs were serviced by renewables in 2020, and up to 100% at times, a striking difference from its reliance on fossil fuels only two decades ago.

Seemingly at odds with Canberra’s confused stance on renewables, the state’s Liberal government further demonstrated its commitment to a renewable energy transition by launching the latest South Australia Climate Action Plan late last year, comprising 68 actions across seven focus areas to increase investment and jobs in low emissions out to 2025.

Using natural resources to build a climate-smart resource sector

At the launch of South Australia’s Climate Change Action Plan 2021 – 2025, Minister for Environment and Water David Speirs said that it contained the Marshall government’s approach to building a strong, climate smart economy and further its intentions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“Demand for low emissions and climate smart products is growing, and South Australia is well equipped to use our abundance of sun, wind and other natural resources to take full advantage of this growing demand,” he said.

The government hopes its actions will help the state progress towards its goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 per cent by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

Key objectives within the seven focus areas include accelerating South Australia’s renewable energy economy, developing a world class hydrogen industry, attracting and growing businesses and industries powered by renewables, and developing a climate smart resources sector.

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